In the celebrated illustrated edition of 'Treasure Island,' Robert Louis Stevenson masterfully weaves a tale of adventure, treasure, and moral ambiguity that has captivated readers since its publication in 1883. The narrative follows the young protagonist, Jim Hawkins, as he embarks on a perilous voyage filled with pirates, mutiny, and the quest for gold. Stevenson's vivid prose and rich character development, especially that of the morally complex Long John Silver, draw readers into a world wh ...
Treasure Island (Illustrated Edition)
Adventure Tale of Buccaneers and Buried Gold, Unterstützte Lesegerätegruppen: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-13: 978-80-282-9623-0
Titelnr.: 96421554
Sharp Ink (2023)