Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island (Illustrated Edition)" is a classic adventure novel that reinvigorates the literary genre of pirates and treasure hunts, first published in 1883. The narrative unfolds through the eyes of young Jim Hawkins, who embarks on a thrilling quest for buried gold, encountering a host of memorable characters such as the infamous Long John Silver. Stevenson's vivid prose, enhanced by detailed illustrations, masterfully blends elements of realism and romanticism, ...
Treasure Island (Illustrated Edition)
Adventure Tale of Buccaneers and Buried Gold
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Kartoniert, 136 S.
Sprache: Englisch
229 mm
ISBN-13: 978-80-283-7097-8
Titelnr.: 97439634
Gewicht: 209 g
Sharp Ink (2024)